It’s hard to believe but I have actually finished the tailcone of my Bede BD-4C airplane. Lots of nutplates, screws, and rivets. I think the hardware to hold it together may well weigh more than the aluminum in the tailcone itself. Here it is assembled to the back of the fuselage. (Click any photo to see it larger.)

Here is a photo of the inside. You can see the nutplates along the top of the left side. The left side, the bottom, and the back are riveted together. The big triangular piece attached to the fuselage is the bellcrank for the horizontal trim tab. The large black piece is the weldment that will hold the horizontal part of the tail.

The last photo is of the inside of the right wall of the tailcone and the top of the tailcone. Lots more nutplates.

Next job… the ventral fins….
The hangar is waiting for the airplane!!!! Keep on trucking. But, don’t rush……
Thanks for the encouragement, Gale 🙂
— Art Z.
Beautiful (!!) work Art. You’ve become quite a craftsman with sheet metal. I look forward to seeing your project completed one of these days. At the rate you’re going, you’ll be flying a gorgeous plane this year or next.
Your compliment means a lot, Dave, since I have seen your airplane.