Today is the eighth day of chanukah so this seems like a good opportunity to share some of my favorite tidbits about it. This is a holiday which gets conflated with Christmas but actually has nothing whatsoever to do with Santa Claus or Christ and much more to do with respecting all spiritual/religious practices. It’s […]
Translate Biblical Hebrew to English
When I am in my weekly Torah study class, I often find myself wondering, “That’s what the English says but what does the original Hebrew say?” As a guy who does not read or speak Hebrew, here is how I figure it out. The built-in Hebrew dictionary at makes it easy to translate biblical […]
Hebrew to be Written Left-to-Right
I could not believe it when I read the article beginning: “Bowing to international pressure, the sanhedrin of Hebraists has voted unanimously to reverse Hebrew, writing it left-to-right, reversing centuries of counter-intuitive tradition.” Read the rest here:
Kinder, Gentler Lending
How many times have Bible-thumpers beaten you over the head with some harsh gotta-do-it commandment? When did you last look at something in our society and think, “That’s downright mean. Isn’t there a nicer way?” Sometimes we can find a kinder, gentler way, by choosing kinder, gentler portions of the Bible. Just as an example, let’s try […]
Shabbat Service with Nefesh Mountain
Who would have thought that you could blend bluegrass music and a Jewish soul to create an incredible Friday night sabbath service? Nefesh Mountain can, and did, at United Hebrew Congregation. Check out the video below.
Happy Passover from the R&D Institute for Intelligent Robotic Systems (and Me)
May this passover find you free from all bondage and from anything which keeps you from thoroughly enjoying life. L’chaim (to life)!
20 Things to Do with Matzoh
Passover is here again (starting tomorrow at sundown) which raises the age old questions: Did I buy enough matzoh to last a week? If I bought too much, what will I do with it? Fortunately, Michelle Citrin and William Levin have answers for us.
You Don’t Look Jewish
Watch this. I think Vanessa Hidary has something to say to all of us.