It has been more than five years since I last published a six word story. The format appeals to the impatient child within me, the little guy who rolls his eyes and wishes the writer would get to the point already!
Mom in Six Words
The New York Times contest inspired me, so here goes: six words about my mother: My greatest cheerleader never stopped believing. Mom’s love and food cure all.
199 Pounds!
As anticipated on December 22, today I made it down to 199 pounds for the first time since, well, since heaven-only knows when! To the groans of all, I celebrate with another six word story: One hundred ninety nine pounds. Yipee!
Goal Achieved!
Today, I celebrate. Since I began exercising and eating less on Memorial Day, I have lost 20 pounds! First goal achieved. 🙂 Next goal, which should be pretty quick if the gods of metabolism cooperate: Weigh less than 200 pounds. I cannot remember the last time I weighed less than 200 pounds. After that, I […]
Life, Six Words at a Time (Act IV)
Four batches of six word stories, oy vay! I hope you are at least a tiny bit amused (and not too abused), even if only for the second or two that it takes you to read these. Genealogy: Research begat research begat research… Crash splatter! Who dunnit? Cat naps. Dog barks. Squirrel laughs. Yet again. […]
Life, Six Words at a Time (Act III)
For better or worse, writing continues… Perhaps Twitter has it only partly right. Perhaps instead of 140 characters, we need to be limited to six words. “ARTHUR JOSEPH!” I’m in big trouble. Rejected by NaNoWriMo. Not novel enough. Morning walk. Trees rustle. World sparkles. I read another story. Friends groan.
Life, Six Words at a Time (Act II)
My friend, Scott, is writing a novel. I’m just like him except I lack the talent, time, and patience to write a novel. But disregarding those tiny hindrances, I’m going to write a novel one of these days, too. Until then, I continue to offer my short short short stories for your gentle amusement: Run […]
Life, Six Words at a Time
Being undiagnosed ADHD (who has the time or attention span to get properly diagnosed?), I am fascinated with the ultimate in concise literary expression: the six word story. My wife may be distressed at my latest obsession but, hapless you, I share a few of my more precious gems here: Face down on keyboard: Monday […]