This blog post, by microbiologist Erin Bromage, just appeared in my inbox. The author goes into detail, in plain English, about how Covid-19 infection happens and how likely it is to occur in a variety of environments, including restaurants, sanctuaries, stores, and outdoors. The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them Here is a typical […]
Are Psycho-Active Drugs Ineffective and Dangerous?
There seems to be mounting evidence that psycho-active drugs are no more effective than placebos; that they may cause real harm; and that the belief that many mental illnesses are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain has never been proven but has been forwarded by the drug manufacturers. I was most persuaded by Irving […]
Bacteria Use Radioactive Uranium Instead of Energy from the Sun
Were you looking forward to another boring day on this run-of-the-mill planet Earth? Researchers from Indiana University Bloomington and eight collaborating institutions report in this week’s Science a self-sustaining community of bacteria that live in rocks 2.8 kilometers below Earth’s surface. Think that’s weird? The bacteria rely on radioactive uranium to convert water molecules to […]
National TBIS Key Exchange Program
This is really important and the last day of the program. See the web site for complete details. National TBIS Key Exchange Program
Deciphering The Mystery Of Bee Flight
ScienceDaily reports in Deciphering The Mystery Of Bee Flight that scientists have finally figured out how bees fly. Their wings beat over a short arc of about 90 degrees, but ridiculously fast, at around 230 beats per second. Fruit flies, in comparison, are 80 times smaller than honeybees, but flap their wings only 200 times […]
Seed of extinct date palm sprouts after 2,000 years
From the San Francisco Chronicle: When the Romans invaded ancient Judea, thick forests of date palms towering up to 80 feet high and 7 miles wide covered the Jordan River valley from the Sea of Galilee in the north to the shores of the Dead Sea in the south. The tree so defined the local […]
Mission to build a simulated brain begins
New Scientist ran an article on Monday titled, Mission to build a simulated brain begins. It opens with, An effort to create the first computer simulation of the entire human brain, right down to the molecular level, was launched on Monday. The “Blue Brain†project, a collaboration between IBM and a Swiss university team, will […]