If you have never been around pet birds, you may not know that many of them love showers. Robin Hood, our Red Lored Amazon parrot, vociferously “reminds” me to take him along when I go for my morning shower by squawking, “Wet bird!” He does not really care whether he gets his shower first or second but my shower always rates exuberant narration.
Robin Hood’s turn comes at the business end of a spray bottle full of warm water and does not end until the bottle is empty or my hand can’t handle any more trigger squeezing. The whole process is so boisterous with his shrieks and calls that our cat scampers from the bedroom to quieter parts of the house. And the result? Judge for yourself.
After this, he sits in (or on) his cage, fluffs up, and looks very pleased with himself for several hours as he dries to a handsome cleanliness.