The reactions to the mid-air collision last month between an airplane and a helicopter over the Hudson River in New York City have me thinking about safety in airplanes and safety in cars. For those unfamiliar with the details, just before noon on August 8, a six person airplane and an eight person helicopter came […]
AirVenture 2009 Photos
Candy and I took a day out of our Door County escape to visit Oshkosh for the AirVenture 2009 airshow. Landing on “runway” 36R was fun. With only a day to spent, we saw the airshow and pretty much whatever we happened to wander by, such as the business end of this Thrush ag sprayer. […]
Cloud Dancing over Illinois
This is why we fly. I took these photos flying over Illinois at 5,000 feet. Make your browser full screen and click through to see the pictures large. If you are reading this on Facebook, you won’t see the photos until you click on Cloud Dancing.
Sunset Over Illinois
The sun set as we flew home over Illinois yesterday. Here is a small sample. These photos really look better large so make your browser window full screen and click through to the photo gallery for maximum enjoyment.
DHS Inspector General Concludes: General Aviation Not a Serious Threat
This just in from the Alliance for Aviation Across America: The Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security recently released a report that dispels many of the myths about the security of general aviation. In the report, DHS Inspector General Richard Skinner stated that “Although [TSA’s Office of Intelligence] has identified potential threats, it […]
Hats Off to the Aviation Industry
As I am sure you know by now, a US Airways A320 ditched into the Hudson River this afternoon, just minutes after departing from LaGuardia Airport. The accident appears to have been caused by multiple bird strikes. It is truly amazing that the simplest things, from ice to birds, can bring down our most promising […]
Reader Plates – Economical Paperless IFR Approach Plates
I purchased my Sony PRS-505 ebook reader primarily to run Reader Plates. This is a set of electronic IFR approach plates or, to be technically correct about the name, the FAA (NACO) Terminal Approach Procedures. When I fly IFR (in the clouds), I use these half-page charts when taking off from or landing at an […]
Woo Hoo! Glider Pilot!!
Woo hoo! This afternoon, I passed my glider pilot checkride in N5751S, a Schweizer 2-33A! I am now officially allowed to fly airplanes with either one or zero engines. ๐ I owe it all to the Silver Creek Glider Club and the good folks there.
American Airlines Gets a Clue
For a change, American Airlines is making a good business decision. Instead of whining about how it cannot run profitably, it is doing something about its bottom line: raising its prices. There has been lots of news coverage about the $15 fee which American Airlines is charging for the first piece of checked luggage. Good […]
High Tech Windsock
Now I’ll readily admit that I’m no expert in windsocks. I’ve seen my share but never paid ’em much mind. I’ve certainly never delved into the technology which makes ’em work. Obviously, I have ignored somethin’ which ought not be ignored. I just read this NOTAM: Trenton NJ (Trenton Mercer) [TTN]: May NOTAM #5 Aerodrome […]
Build a Boeing 777 in Four Minutes
Here is a little bit of just “plane” fun to brighten your Monday. Watch Boeing build a new 777 in just four minutes.
Plummeting Pumpkins Pound Perimeter
The Silvercreek Glider Club returned to the battlefield on the Saturday after Halloween to make another attack on a target in the middle of a farm field. The weapon of choice: pumpkins! You have to hear it to believe the noise a pumpkin makes when it hits the ground after falling 1,000 feet. Twenty-two intrepid […]
Flying Home from Jackson Hole
That last chapter in our vacation saga is, unsurprisingly, the trip home. I had spent much of this vacation looking for ways to extend it indefinitely and, as had happened during all such prior investigations, I failed to discover the necessary magic incantation. As a brief aside: I am available to be adopted by the […]
Amazing F-22 Raptor Video
Check out Keith Breazeal’s video of an F-22 Raptor flying in Sacramento, CA. Along with beautiful photography, he includes an interview with the pilot. Major Paul “Max” Moga explains what he and the plane are doing moment by moment through the entire airshow routine. Awesome!
Ten Commandments of Aviation
I am the plane that brought you out of the clouds and storms. You shall have no other plane but me. Thou shalt not idolize any plane with the “wings on top.” Remember the EAA breakfast and keep it holy. Honor thy flight instructor. Thou shalt not take the FAA in vain. Thou shalt not […]
To Jackson Hole
The first chapter of this travelogue takes us from St. Louis, MO to Jackson Hole, WY. Click on through for pictures and narration.
May the Road Rise Up to Meet You
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. May God be with you and bless you: May you see […]
Second Solo Flight
I went back to the gliderport on Sunday and got the ride of my life ๐ I took the 2-33 up solo again, fully expecting a sled ride back down to the field because I am such a newbie and would not be able to find any lift or capture a thermal. I released from […]
Second Solo
Whoo hoo, I soloed a glider yesterday! Gene, trusting soul and incredible instructor that he is, entrusted SWS2-33A N5751S to me for solo flight at the Silver Creek Glider Club. I got a tow up to 3,000′ AGL and actually caught a bit of a thermal. That got me up to 3,500′ where I decided […]
Woo Hoo! Soaring!!
I went for my first soaring flights today and the only reason my head is not in the clouds is because there were not any clouds. Gene, one of the instructors as the Silver Creek Glider Club, took me up in this Schweizer 2-33. Gene handled the take-off and then let me [try to] follow […]
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