Glue is amazing. Glue is magic. Glue is goodness incarnate.
I made a couple of stands for Scarlet out of PVC pipe. I cut it to length and shoved the pieces together good ‘n’ tight.
That video doesn’t do Scarlet’s, umm, enthusiasm justice. She is one rockin’ bird. She literally rocked that stand so much that it pulled apart and she went flapping to the floor. A dab o’ glue will do ya, though. Now the stand is sturdy and she stays where I want her to (most of the time).
Think of some of the other amazing things we do with glue. Do you remember smearing Elmer’s Glue on the palm of your hand and gently blowing on it until it was dry? Then you could peel it off and have a sheet of dried glue with the imprint of your skin on it. Cool beans, wasn’t it?
Did you know that the skin on my airplane is actually glued on with 3M™ Neoprene Contact Adhesive 10? I’m not kidding. It really is.

Some sort of magic glue even held Candy’s incision closed after her hip replacement. No stitches needed to be removed.
Glue is amazing.